What is  BeMyHelp?

Bemyhelp is an Erasmus+ project that aims for the inclusion of the mentoring method in socio-professional projects targeting socially excluded groups, including women, as an effective tool in personal development and assistance in returning to the labor market .

Mentoring is widely used in business, while it is little used in social projects. The labor market requires adaptation of competencies, flexibility and continuous development, which is a challenge for those who have a break from work due to various circumstances. The right mentor’s assistance to the mentee guarantees flexible response and assistance, support and motivation for development and , as a result, a change in life , which is often necessary to take a step forward.

Target groups

Organisations, including their staff, which implement projects supporting the socio-professional development of women – first of all, these will be non-governmental organizations, consulting and training companies, labor market institutions from the partner countries – i.e. Poland, Spain and Greece, but also other countries, which implement development projects for women and other people from socially excluded groups

who are seeking to enhance their mentoring competencies. These professionals often participate as key staff members in socio-professional activation projects and actively contribute to activity planning and project management

who are prepared to fulfill the role and individuals aspiring to pursue mentoring as a developmental path. Mentors are individuals with extensive professional experience across various fields, possessing the necessary skills to guide and teach others. They are enthusiastic about supporting individuals in their socio-professional development journey.

Project meeting
Co-founded by the European Union disclaimer
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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